Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources

Educator Led Learning Programs


Educator led sessions are paid experiences, schools will be invoiced after the excursion.

Students   $5 per child     $3 per child (DECD disadvantaged category schools). Prices are inclusive of GST.

Sessions are one hour in duration.

There is a minimum change of $100 per class, $60 per class for DECD disadvantaged category schools.

Maximum students per session is 30.

Teachers and accompanying adults are free.

Our educators are sometimes able to tailor programs to cater for specific learning inquiries - to discuss a program or for more information refer to contact details below.


All educator led bookings need to be made by either phone or email:

Aaron Harrison

Email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.          Ph    8222 9344

Teacher and student resources are available after booking upon request.

Available Educator Led Trails 2017


Early Years

Aboriginal Plant Use

Food Glorious Food

Rainforest Experience

Click here for trail descriptions


Aboriginal Plant Use

Aboriginal Science and Sustainability

Ancient Egypt

Food Glorious Food

Plant Adaptation

Rainforest Experience

Spice Trail

Wetland Experience

Click here for trail descriptions


Aboriginal Plant Use

Aboriginal Science and Sustainability

Plant Adaptations

Rainforest Experience

Wetland Experience

Wetland Water Scientific Analysis (Terms 2 and 3 only)

Click here for trail descriptions