Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources


At Urrbrae Agricultural High Schools, we have now reached a total of three generations of Glycine Pea plants, thanks to the hard work and dedication of members of our schools, Plant club and Environmental focus group.

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Another exciting event in regards to our schools SEEDS project occurred during early november of last year when we finally planted some of our first generation Glycine Pea plants out on our schools farm. We planted the nine first generation Glycine pea plants in a raised bed with semi shade, to protect them from harsh conditions, weeds, and over all increase there chances of survival. They were also fitted with an irrgation system, to keep the soil moist and to supply the plants with the nessecary amount of water. Now, during march of 2016, five of those plants have survived and are thriving in their new environment. The picture below displays the five flowering Glycine Pea plants propagated on our schools farm.  



We hope to continue planting or Glycine Plants around our school and possibly allow a few members of plant club take a Glycine Pea plant home to propogate in their backyard. We will also continue to collect seeds for propagation as well as to add to our seed bank. We may also try experimenting with soil types and growing conditions, to determine which the Glyine pea Grows best in.  

for seed project april



the right one