Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources

Secondary Trails 2017


Aboriginal Science and Sustainability


Students are led on a trail through the Mallee collection at the Adelaide Botanic Garden focusing on a number of plants to highlight sustainability issues, science adaptation and traditional Aboriginal plant use. The Mallee and Arid region vegetation covers most of South Australia. This inquiry also compares some of the land use practice of traditional Aboriginal people with modern land use methods.








Plant Adaptations

Golden ball edit

Students investigate plant adaptation through two extreme environments – the desert and the rainforest. Students act as scientists, recording observations about plants and making hypotheses. They will observe how plants have adapted to these diverse environments, too much water and not enough light or too much light and not enough water.








Rainforest Experience 

IMG 0236

Students will be led through a plant trail highlighting the layers and biodiversity of temperate rainforests. The trail allows for a diversity of learning styles and has a focus on science adaptations, geographical climates and the environmental importance of rainforests. The trail is predominantly in the Bicentennial Conservatory and Botanic Park.








Wetland Experience

Wetlands edit

A visit to the First Creek Wetland at Adelaide Botanic Garden provides students with a unique first-hand experience of this increasingly important habitat type. The wetland is designed specifically to assist students with learning how wetlands can be used to filter and recycle water while at the same time improve the natural urban environment. Through this experience students will investigate water harvesting, filtering and storage processes and how wetalnds serve as a habitat.








Wetland Water Scientific Analysis


*NB only offered in terms 2 and 3, seperate fees apply 

Students will investigate the effectiveness of the Adelaide Botanic Garden First Creek Wetlands as a means of water purification and recycling. Using specialised equipment, students will observe, analyse and record the functionality of the wetland as a water filtering system and cleaning process.