Strangler Fig
This tree can live high up the rainforest on a host tree that it may eventually strangle and kill.
Note and feel the roots growing from the main trunk.
Describe their shape and strength.
How could these roots strangle a host tree?
The branches and leaves of these large rainforest trees form the roof or upper canopy of the rainforest.
Move to the middle of this stand of trees and look up.
How does the canopy change the climate on the rainforest floor below ?
Sunlight_____________ Temperature_____________
How could they help the tree growing in wet soils ?
The Kauri Pine is a rainforest giant that rises above the canopy.
How does its shape help the leaves to catch light high above the canopy ?
Stand back and look to the top of this tree.
Why is this part of the rainforest not growing in the Conservatory ?
Rainforest flowers come in many different shapes and sizes.
Find some flowers on this plant.
What are unusual about where they are growing ?
This small palm was used to make walking sticks for wounded soldiers.
Give two reasons the shape of the plant makes it suitable for walking sticks.
________ _____________
Where do palms grow from? Palms are common rainforest plants.
This palm will one day make the upper canopy of the Conservatory.
Why is it called a fishtail palm ?
Plants that live off the ground up in the rainforest canopy are called epiphytes.
How does the pattern of leaves help this plant to catch water.
What else is trapped in the middle of the plant ?
How might this material eventually help the plant?
Find other epiphytes a little further down the path.
Where does the leaf litter on the ground come from ?
Carefully lift some leaves.
What can you see helping to rot the leaves ?
How do these rotting leaves help rainforest plants ?
The pandanus is common in tropical regions, this one comes from
The leaves tear easily in long strips but not sidewards. They are used in weaving.
What common item could be made from this woven material ?
Why do you think the roots are like stilts?
Heavy rainfall means plants have to shed water quickly before they are weighed down and break.
Pointed drip tips on the ends of leaves form droplets and shed water.
Find a plant with drip tips.
Its name is __________________
Look around and find a leaf that looks a little like Elephant Ears.
Touch it gently.
Apart from drip tips list two other ways it is able to get rid of water.
____________________ _______________________
How many different leaf shapes can you count from this spot and the lower walkway ? _________________
Circle the world which best describes the general size of the leaves.
Large |
Medium |
Small |
Sketch an interesting leaf shape.
The rainforest floor is often dark. Many plants climb quickly upwards.
What are they trying to reach ?
What part of this climber is used to pull it up the palm trunk ?
Find a different climber nearby.
What is it using to climb?
Find the largest leaves in this area.
How do large leaves help rainforest plants ?
Sketch the pattern of the veins in a leaf on the drawing.
Veins transport materials, how else do they help leaves ?
This is a “wild” Australian banana that is full of seed.
What do you think the fruit might taste like?
Bananas we eat originally came from wild rainforest banana plants but they do not have any seeds.
How would farmers be able to grow new plants without using seeds ?
Plants often have to protect themselves against leaf eating insects.
Gently run your hand along the underside of a leaf.
Describe the feeling.
How might this help protect the plant ?__________________