Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources

School Newsletter


 The SEEDS (stewardship of endangered endemic species) project in South Australian
schools is a national first in shinning a light on endangered plants. CBC is one of 15
schools developing a model for securing the future of the states endangered plants.
One in four SA plants is listed as endangered or threatened with extinction.
Students at CBC have a real chance to make a difference to the environment by
becoming custodians of Brachyscome diversifolia, which is a local endangered plant.
Through a partnership with the Adelaide Botanic Garden they have prepared seeds
for germination and will propagate, grow on, collect seeds and grow more to create
a living orchard of the species. The next step is to revegetate a local plantation and
promote the process throughout the community. Each year students will teach a new
group about the process and its importance with the school effectively becoming the
custodians of this plant.
Certainly there are lots of curriculum and education connections with this project.
Perhaps a more powerful outcome might be the students connection to the
environment. The news on the environment front for young people, is rarely positive.
Extinctions, climate change, pollution and predictions of more to come seem to be the
core themes. All too often this leaves young people with is a feeling of helplessness
and turning the tap off whilst brushing your teeth doesn't cut it as a solution any more.
SEEDS allows our students to make a difference, do something tangible to improve
their environment. By their own actions they are empowered to stop species extinction
and preserve biodiversity. It may be a small start but it might empower our children to
lead the way in shaping the environment of their future.
To find out more out the SEEDS and CBC's contribution to the project, visit the link

Mr Adonis Andonopoulos